Lately I have been spending a lot of time working on side projects, both Tailorist and a few new ones. More about that soon!
While I have been reluctant to take on much new work, I have spent time working on a number of older client projects. Which can actually be quite rewarding. Everything from implementing new WordPress functionality, to designing updates and fixing bugs.
What I particularly find rewarding about this type of work, is engaging with clients who are happy with their sites. who want to expand their online presence with a new feature or tightening up their visual layout. It’s great to see that what you have built is being used, rather than seeing an abandoned website dying a slow death.
In the last few weeks I have been working on photography sites, e-commerce ventures and more traditional corporate websites. Different styles, different requirements, but all dynamic and creative projects.
If you have an existing project that you feel could benefit from an update, feel free to get in touch.